If you know me at all, you can probably guess that science fiction is not my jam. It’s good to venture
outside your comfort zone occasionally, though, and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir was a good
exploration for me to take.

Full disclosure, this romp into sci-fi probably worked well for me because I wasn’t dedicated to reading
every single word as the author expounded on the principles of physics and chemistry that moved the
story forward. (However, when I did, it was admittedly pretty cool.)

What made this book a win for me was not the science but the protagonist. I mean, who doesn’t love a
genius, self-deprecating middle school teacher with the aw-shucks demeanor of someone who thinks
“shoot” is a swear word? Add in a friendship with an equally likeable character who becomes so
endearing it will melt your heart. Who expects such believable and endearing characters in a narrative
that literally focuses on the end of the world as we know it? I didn’t, and I was pleasantly surprised.

As I was reading Project Hail Mary, I wanted to complain to my husband and friends and get kudos for
being so disciplined for sticking with a book in a genre I consider unappealing. The truth was, after I got
going, I relished the chance to pick it up and even stayed up late a couple of nights to finish. I loved the
use of flashbacks to make the plot extra fun and unpredictable. I loved the scientific and phycological
resilience that are displayed throughout the text.

So, maybe the end of the world really is near because this lover of lyrical fiction, non-fiction, and
memoirs, is recommending this super nerdy—yet intriguing and enjoyable—science fiction novel to any
humans (or other life forms) who are out there looking for their next read.