I hate being bossed around. In fact, when someone starts telling me what to do I find myself
doing the opposite even if it is something I really don’t want to do. Doctors call it oppositional
disorder, but then we tend to make up medical excuses for every weakness so we don’t have to
take responsibility. Anyway, I am quite sure it is in my blood and I blame the DNA that I
inherited from my ancestors.

In 1730, my ancestor, Thomas Clarke left jolly old England and set out for the new world,
settling in western Pennsylvania where he went about declaring his loyalty to King George, and
in return, King George granted Thomas a considerable tract of western Pennsylvania land. King
George told Thomas to go to a certain point on the map and cast his eye about, and he would
own all the land that he could see. It appears that Thomas had really good eyesight because the
original deed included quite a few square miles.

Thomas’s descendants maintained the deed to the property, but not the family loyalty to the
king. The King of England kept bossing them around and demanding money and finally, my
Clarke ancestors got sick and tired of it and joined up to fight in the revolutionary war so the
king could not boss them around.

By the way, generations later this was a delight to my grandmother because it meant she could join the Daughters of the American Revolution, a bunch of women who claimed moral superiority because their ancestors refused to take orders
from England.

My grandmother could never understand why I refused to join the
Daughters of the American Revolution. I tried to explain that since I belonged to the church
formerly with a very short name (and now with a very long name) why in the world would I
want to go to yet one more meeting and be assigned to bake one more batch of cookies?
Besides, I’m quite sure they would want to boss me around.

Stay with me; I have a point.

There are three branches of government (see link below) and it appears to me that someone
isn’t doing their job. Isn’t Congress supposed to make our laws? Then, the president carries out
the laws. Latel, we seemed to have bypassed Congress with Executive Orders. An Executive
Order is a document signed by the President that (supposedly) manages operations of the
federal government, and it carries the force of law (check the link below).

President Obama did a big bunch of Executive Orders and then Trump reversed them with his own raft of Executive
Orders. Now we have Biden. In less than 4 weeks President Biden has signed 29 Executive
Orders, and 22 of them were in his first week with the main purpose of reversing Trump’s
Executive Orders. Do you see where I’m going?

We have presidents who are acting like kings.

Oh, the irony! King George would say he is vindicated. And, the Clarke boys who fought in the
Revolutionary War would be scratching their heads.

I don’t want a king. I want Congress to make the laws by the people and for the people. Then, I want the President (Republican or
Democrat) to do his job and enforce the laws made by Congress, and not act like a tyrant (see
the link below).

Basically, I don’t want to be bossed around by someone acting like a king.

That’s my message. Now I have to go because I have to make sure the hubby is taking care of
the list of stuff I told him to do around the house.

Honestly, it’s a full-time job!

Aforementioned Links
Branches of Government
Executive Orders